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Provider Training Package: Effective Delivery of Oral PrEP for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

The slides have been developed for all categories of healthcare providers involved in the provision of PrEP. The slides are adaptable depending on the participants and have been developed with this flexibility in mind. Please use the slide package as a guide and resource and adapt it to fit the needs of your country, participants and available time.
- Introduction — Provider Training Package: Effective Delivery of Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for Adolescent Girls and Young Women
- Module 1: Introduction to Oral PrEP
- Module 2: The Provision of PrEP in the Context of AGYW
- Module 3: Important Factors to Consider When Providing Oral PrEP to AGYW
- Module 4: Oral PrEP Provision for AGYW: Getting Started
- Module 5: Monitoring, Follow-Up and Adherence Support for AGYW on Oral PrEP
- Module 6: Wrapping Up
- Module 7: Addendum — Initiation and Clincical Management of Oral PrEP
The following attachments have been linked to in the training slides:
- Attachment 1: Introduction to the OPTIONS AGYW Training Package
- Attachment 2: Act Like a Man, Act Like a Woman
- Attachment 3: Group Activity: Exploring our Values
- Attachment 4: HIV Self-Perceptions of Risk and Attitudes toward AGYW
- Attachment 5: Tips for Conducting a Risk Assessment
- Attachment 6: Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)
- Attachment 7a: Scenarios for Discussion
- Attachment 7b: Scenarios with Facilitators Notes to Guide Discussion