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Monitoring and evaluation enables programs to track project targets and provides insights for program improvement. You will need to develop an M&E system for your program. That system must balance the need for a wide range of information about PrEP uptake, continuation, adherence, and infection with the feasibility of collecting and compiling those data. The intensity of data collection may change as programs go to scale.

Tools and Guidelines

Indicator Revision

  • The M&E Working Group of the USAID-funded PROMISE and CHOICE collaborations has proposed new indicators for monitoring and evaluating programs providing all forms of PrEP as they become available, focussing on the essential performance metrics of a PrEP program and streamlining data collection

HIV Drug Resistance Monitoring (HIVDR)

  • The HIVDR Monitoring Toolkit can assist ministries of health, project implementers and policy makers develop HIVDR monitoring strategies and support the collection and testing of blood samples for HIVDR testing