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Governments, donors, and other stakeholders in countries at the forefront of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery have encountered several programmatic challenges such as difficulty in setting targets, forecasting commodity needs, and estimating program costs and impact.

In response, the US President’s Plan for Emergency AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has developed a tool called PrEP-it for PrEP implementation planning, monitoring and evaluation. Key features of PrEP-it include setting national and subnational targets, estimating costs and impact associated with targets, monitoring PrEP initiation, and forecasting drug supply needs.

prep-it thumbnail

PrEP-it is a web-based tool that helps users set targets, estimate costs and impact associated with targets, identify priority areas for PrEP for adolescent girls and young women, and forecast needed commodities. The following resources are available for better understanding PrEP target-setting and how to use PrEP-it.


Target Setting Guide

This guide accompanies the PrEP-it tool’s target-setting module and provides country teams with a process for contextualizing, drafting, and organizing their targets for PrEP. It outlines some of the considerations involved in this process and provides additional resources to help users make the required decisions on tool inputs and assumptions.

Brief Video Introduction to PrEP-it

This video gives a brief introduction to PrEP-it and its features.

PrEP-it Presentation

This slide deck provides step-by-step guidance on target-setting and how to complete the various PrEP-it modules.

The PrEP-it Community of Practice

Join the PrEP-it Community of Practice, an online forum for PrEP-it users to explore topics, ask questions, share feedback, and collaborate on using PrEP-it.

PrEP-it Quick Guides

Three quick guides give step-by-step instructions on how to use PrEP-it for specific purpose:

Using PrEP-it for Commodity Forecasting

This brief describes how PrEP-it was used to inform commodity forecasting for PrEP products in Kenya and highlights lessons learned.

White Paper

This paper describes the development of PrEP-it, lessons learned during development, and the application of PrEP-it for target-setting in Eswatini and Zimbabwe and drug supply management in Ghana and Vietnam.

Have questions about the PrEP-it tool? Email PrEPitHelp-at-AvenirHealth-dot-org

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) funded the development of PrEP-it through the following initiatives: Optimizing Prevention Technology Introduction on Schedule (OPTIONS) Consortium, Health Policy Plus (HP+), the Efficiency and Accountability Technical Assistance to Partners II (EATAP-II), Maximizing Options to Advance Informed Choice for HIV Prevention (MOSAIC), and Preparing for Ring Opportunities through Market Introduction Support and Knowledge Exchange (PROMISE collaboration).