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Archived from the MTN website before it was taken down.

Primary Objectives

  • To determine heterosexual couples’ preferences for a DPP product to inform product delivery and future product design to maximize uptake and willingness to use among sub-Saharan African heterosexual couples.
  • To assess the level of influence of the male partner on a woman’s preferences for a DPP product and on her decision-making process regarding product preferences and use.

Study Summary

MTN-045 was a cross-sectional study that will utilize questionnaires, including a Discrete-Choice Experiment (DCE) and joint decision task, to assess couples’ preferences related to dual purpose prevent (DPP) products that could be used to prevent unintended pregnancies and HIV infection. The study enrolled 400 couples. Couple members’ preferences were evaluated with each partner separately and with both partners together. Post-survey explanatory IDIs were conducted with a subset of couples (60 participants from 40 couples). The DPP product forms evaluated in the study were vaginal ring, vaginal insert, vaginal film, and oral tablets.

The study completed follow-up on January 23, 2019. Primary results were presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) held virtually on March 6-10, 2021. The primary manuscript was published in AIDS and Behavior in June 2022. Secondary manuscripts development is ongoing.

Primary Results

Most couples preferred presented MPTs over male condoms. Couples’ MPT choices in both countries were influenced most by the combination of product form and dosing frequency, with monthly dosing preferred over daily. Analysis highlighted differences by country as to which side effects were most important: Ugandan couples placed greater importance on effects on the vaginal environment during sex, whereas Zimbabwean couples placed more importance on changes to menstruation and other side effects (headache, cramps). Couples’ preferences signaled an openness to new product forms and more frequent dosing if preferred characteristics of other attributes were achieved.

Protocol Chair(s)

Etima Ongom, Juliane (Protocol Co-Chair)
Minnis, Alexandra (Protocol Chair)

Protocol Title

Dual Purpose Prevention (DPP) Product Preferences among Couples

DAIDS Protocol ID




Study Type





Men (cisgender men, non‐transgender men)
Women (cisgender women, non‐transgender women)


Division of AIDS, US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
US Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
US National Institute of Mental Health
US National Institutes of Health

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