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Delivering PrEP through Peer and Community-Led Approaches: Tools from IHRI

These materials, produced by the Institute of HIV Research and Innovation (IHRI), can help support PrEP service delivery through peer and community led initiatives:
- Training Courses for Health Workers Providing Key Population-Led Health Services– This syllabus outlines some essential training courses that peer outreach workers and counsellors in community health centres supported by IHRI must complete before offering PrEP-related services
- PrEP Trainee Handbook– Contains the latest information on PrEP to support recently-trained peer service providers
- Practical Guide to Gain Framing Messages in PrEP Counselling for Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women– A guide to gain-framed messages, designed to emphasise the positive outcomes that can result from adopting a particular behaviour, which have shown to be successful in encouraging individuals to consider PrEP
- PrEP Readiness and Preparation Assessment Checklist– This checklist assists peer outreach workers and counsellors during training practice sessions and ensures quality assurance throughout a post-training practicum
- Message Framing to Promote HIV Testing– Contains strategies to promote behaviour change for HIV testing, tailored for use with adolescents to simplify complex health information