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Current Projects

The projects listed below reflect current and former large, multilateral, multi-country programmes focussed on developing, rolling out, and scaling up PrEP- this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many smaller bilateral projects which are not listed.


The Biomedical Prevention Implementation Collaborative (BioPIC) is documenting, analysing, and leveraging lessons learnt from PrEP programmes to accelerate the introduction of new PrEP products, including cabotegravir for PrEP. BioPIC achieves this through a range of activities, including serving as an essential clearinghouse to monitor the activities related to HIV prevention product introduction; a trusted convener of a wide-range of stakeholders; an important catalyst for investments in product introduction; and a custodian of the collaborative approach in product introduction. This work includes hosting the secretariat of the Coalition to Accelerate Access to Long-Acting PrEP. For more information, click here.

The DPP Project

Initiated in August 2019, the DPP Project was formed to accelerate the development and introduction of an MPT for HIV and pregnancy prevention. A coalition of organizations, including AVAC, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Mann Global Health, Viatris, the Population Council, and Medicines360 lead the DPP project. These efforts are supported by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the US Agency for International Development (USAID), Catalyst Global, and the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN). For more information, click here.

DREAMS Programs

Launched in 2014, the DREAMS Initiative aims to reduce the incidence of HIV by 40 percent among adolescent girls and young women by 2020. It is a collaboration between the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Girl Effect, Johnson & Johnson, Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare. The PEPFAR Scientific Advisory Board has endorsed PrEP and launched a DREAMS Innovation Challenge, to make more resources available for PrEP. DREAMS is operating in ten countries, five of which have included PrEP for adolescent girls and young women in their country plans to address HIV. For more information, click here.


A five-year global initiative, the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control project (EpiC) provides strategic technical assistance and direct service delivery to achieve HIV epidemic control. EpiC supports improved HIV case finding, prevention, treatment programming, and viral load suppression in national HIV programs. Funded by PEPFAR, USAID and led by FHI 360 with core partners Right to Care, Palladium, Population Services International (PSI), and Gobee Group, EpiC builds on the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded LINKAGES project, focused on addressing the HIV epidemic among key populations. For more information, click here.


Microbicide Research and Development to Advance HIV Prevention Technologies through Responsive Innovations and Excellence (MATRIX) is a USAID funded project which works in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe to develop a portfolio of products to meet the unmet needs of women at risk of HIV. MATRIX products may include long-term implants and injectables, short-acting and on-demand vaginal products that are low cost and may appeal to women who prefer not to use systemic products, and multi-purpose products that may protect against multiple diseases and/or pregnancy. MATRIX involves nearly 20 partner organizations from the US and Africa with expertise in product development, clinical trial design and implementation, social and behavioral research, stakeholder engagement, and market and business case development. For more information, click here.


Maximizing Options to Advance Informed Choice for HIV Prevention (MOSAIC) is a five-year (2021-2026) global project funded by PEPFAR through USAID to help adolescent girls and young women, and other women, prevent HIV by accelerating introduction and scale-up of new and emerging biomedical prevention products. MOSAIC works across the product introduction framework in multiple countries to implement user-centered research and research translation efforts to identify, understand, and remove barriers to new product introduction, access, and use; coordinate and provide technical assistance to global, national, and subnational stakeholders to expedite product launch and scale-up; and strengthen the capacity of a wide range of local partners to perform essential functions that support the introduction of HIV prevention products.

For a two-page overview of the project, click here. To learn more and find related resources, click here. And for the MOSAIC Global PrEP Learning Network, click here.

PrEP Power

PrEP Power, a project led by Global Black Gay Men Connect (GBGMC), supported by the Global Key Population Advisory Group (KPAG), and with technical support from AVAC, is spearheading efforts to ensure KPs have equitable and effective access to the full range of HIV prevention options, including long-acting PrEP. PrEP Power will coordinate market assessments, demand forecasting, human centered design research, community education, and demand generation to address barriers to long-acting PrEP access by KPs. For more information, click here.


Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE) is a global five-year project. RISE works with countries to achieve a shared vision of attaining and maintaining HIV epidemic control, with stronger local partners capable of managing and delivering results through sustainable, self-reliant and resilient health systems by 2024. RISE’s contributions will lead to fewer new HIV infections, fewer HIV-related deaths and a higher quality of life for people living with HIV. RISE is funded by PEPFAR and USAID, and led by Jhpiego, with: ICAP at Columbia University (ICAP), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), ANOVA Health Institute (ANOVA), BAO Systems, JHU Center for Public Health and Human Rights (JHU), and Mann Global Health (MGH). For more information, click here.

Former Projects

Bridge to Scale (Jilinde)

The Bridge to Scale, or Jilinde, project was an implementation science initiative that sought to move oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) from research and demonstration settings into a large-scale public health response in Kenya. Over 20,000 people at highest risk of HIV infection received oral PrEP, which was integrated within existing HIV combination prevention services. This project demonstrated the incredible potential of PrEP and generated evidence that population-level PrEP interventions are feasible and effective in low-and middle-income countries, which bear the brunt of the world’s HIV burden. Bridge to Scale began delivering PrEP in early 2017 and ran until June 2021.

The project functioned as a learning laboratory to identify and document the barriers and enablers to PrEP uptake. Ultimately, the project developed an affordable, effective, sustainable and replicable model for oral PrEP scale-up. For an overview of the project, click here.

OPTIONS and Other USAID Microbicide Product Introduction Initiative (MPii) Projects

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) supported five connected projects focused on introducing and providing access to ARV-based HIV prevention. These projects, which ran from 2015-2020, focused on gender-based violence, drug resistance, creating demand, introducing new products, and models for delivering services. For a more detailed look at each of the five MPii projects, click here. And to see Tools & Resources from these projects, click here.

Prevention Market Manager Project

Established in 2016, The Prevention Market Manager (PMM) was a comprehensive, collaborative project to accelerate the introduction of HIV prevention products to effectively reach those who need prevention most. It was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and was a six year effort in partnership with The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI). For more about the project, and for several resources, click here.


CHOICE (Collaboration for HIV Prevention Options to Control the Epidemic) and PROMISE (Preparing for Ring Opportunities through Market Introduction Support and Knowledge Exchange) were USAID-funded activities harnessing research utilization expertise to address technical gaps and scale up the use of PrEP (both oral PrEP and the monthly PrEP ring) in sub-Saharan Africa. To read more about CHOICE’s work, download this overview. To read more about PROMISE and CHOICE work on the ring, download this overview. To see tools & resources related to these projects, click here.