HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit

The HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit was created to prepare potential and current PrEP users to be leaders – or “Ambassadors” – in the rollout of PrEP for HIV prevention in their communities.
Through interactive activities, discussion, and action planning, the training prepares Ambassadors to share information with their peers about PrEP methods as part of combination HIV prevention. Ambassadors also gain skills to support peers who are interested in using PrEP and to build community support for PrEP use.
This training can be implemented partially or in full by community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, ministries of health, and PrEP implementers. Trained HIV Prevention Ambassadors can also implement the training—or selected portions of it—with their peers.
The HIV Prevention Ambassador Training package includes a training manual for facilitators with essential knowledge on training topics and training session instructions. The package also includes an Ambassador Toolkit with colorful, one-page handouts and worksheets in a booklet format that trained Ambassadors can use to conduct peer support, community discussions, and other activities. The toolkit is designed to accompany the Ambassador Training sessions and can be translated into local languages. There are multiple versions of the HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit as described below.
HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), 3rd edition
December 2022
This training is designed specifically for working with AGYW and includes up-to-date information on oral PrEP, the PrEP ring, and CAB PrEP. In addition, it includes considerations for trans and nonbinary youth. Click here to learn more about what young people have to say about this training. The first edition of this training was created in 2019 by the OPTIONS Consortium and later revised by the PROMISE and CHOICE collaborations in 2021. The current edition was finalized in 2023 by the MOSAIC project.
- Training Package: low resolution, high resolution, printer version
- Toolkit: low resolution, high resolution, printer version
Additional resources:
- Ambassador Training Certificate
- Local Referral Directory Template
- Sample Agenda
- Template Participant Knowledge Check: Pre-Check, Post-Check, and Answer Key
- Parent and Caregiver Module
Knowledge Products:
- Results from a 2019-2020 field test in Zimbabwe: Read the findings here and click here to read the field testing brief.
- Youth-Led Success-Making education about novel PrEP Methods relevant for end users, SAAIDS 2022
- 2024 HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit evaluation – Kenya
HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit – Diverse Version, 2nd edition
July 2024
This training is designed specifically for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, pregnant and breastfeeding people, serodifferent couples, sex workers and transgender people. This second edition of the diverse version of the Ambassador Training was revised by the MOSAIC and EpiC projects, and includes information on oral PrEP, the PrEP ring, and CAB PrEP. The training and toolkit are available in English and French.
- Training Package: web version, printer version
- Toolkit: web version, printer version
- Training Package (French): web version, printer version
- Toolkit (French): web version, printer version
Additional resources:
- Ambassador Training Certificate – diverse version
- Local Referral Directory Template
- Sample Agenda
- Template Participant Knowledge Check (diverse version): Pre-Check, Post-Check, and Answer Key
The first edition of this training was created in 2019 by the OPTIONS Consortium and later revised by the PROMISE and CHOICE collaborations in 2021. The current edition was finalized in 2024 by the MOSAIC project. The initial AGYW version of the training was field tested in 2019-2020 in Zimbabwe. Read the findings here and click here to read the field testing brief.
HIV Prevention Ambassador Training – Online Oral PrEP Modules for AGYW
October 2020
This online module was developed in 2020 by Wits RHI to provide an overview of oral PrEP knowledge for AGYW. The module can be accessed here and will be updated in 2023-2024 to include the PrEP ring and CAB PrEP.
HIV Prevention Ambassador Virtual Trainer’s Workshop
December 2021
These materials, based on the training for PrEP priority populations, can be used to conduct a virtual ‘training of trainers’ workshop for HIV Prevention Ambassador trainers and include a sample facilitation plan, slide deck, and mentors’ activity guide. The materials were designed for a five-day training and are entirely editable. They should be referenced and customized when creating a program to respond to the unique needs of your training group.
- Sample Facilitation Plan
- Day 1 – Day 5 Slide Deck
- Mentors’ Activity Guide
- Challenging Situations Activity
- Managing Challenging Participants
- Trainer Skills Inventory
- Ambassador Skills & Peer Support Video
For more information, printed copies, or previous versions of the HIV Prevention Ambassador Training Package and Toolkit, local language translations of the Ambassador Toolkit, or editable graduation certificates and/or local referral directory templates, please contact [email protected].