Leading the Way: Early learnings from CAB for PrEP introduction in Zambia and Zimbabwe

Programmatic rollout of long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB for PrEP) has launched in Zambia and Zimbabwe! Recommended by the World Health Organization as a safe and effective HIV prevention method in 2022, these two countries are now the first in Africa to incorporate this new, long-awaited PrEP product into their national HIV prevention programs. In the short time that local partners have been delivering CAB for PrEP in Zambia and Zimbabwe, they have gained important insights into what it takes to prepare for and successfully integrate CAB for PrEP as an additional HIV prevention option. In this webinar, Ministry of Health leaders and partners from Zambia and Zimbabwe will reflect on their early implementation experience and share critical learnings for other countries poised to introduce CAB for PrEP this year.