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As noted in The Lancet’s recently published special series on racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and health, “historic systems and structures of power and oppression, and discriminatory ideologies have shaped policy and practice today, and are root causes of racial health inequities.”

Global initiatives to end the HIV pandemic will never be achieved without vast improvements and intentional focus on health equity and justice. This work demands that we must do more than simply acknowledge that racism and white supremacy exist in global health.

We must energetically collaborate across every domain to thoroughly dismantle the systems and structures birthed by colonialism and other systems of oppression that provide the fuel for HIV to continue to perpetuate disease and disparities across communities around the world.

Our distinguished speakers will help provide concrete steps for participants to move from normalizing to operationalizing decolonizing global public health, wherever we fit into the overall effort to end HIV.

Featured speakers:

  • Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, University of Global Health Equity
  • Tori Cooper, Human Rights Campaign
  • Tian Johnson, African Alliance
  • Dr. Peter Kilmarx, Fogarty International Center